26 Apr 2021 by Julia | 4 mins

Nvoga sells Marbella properties online

It is a trend that has been coming for some time, facilitated by the breadth and depth of new technologies and forms of long-distance communication, but ultimately it was the Covid-situation that prompted its fast-tracked adoption in the global property sector. Indeed, not only has remote viewing of properties using the latest virtual tools become increasingly common in Marbella, but more and more people are happy to take the next step and purchase the home in question remotely.

There is nothing that beats entering a home for the first time, but for busy people held back by the travel restrictions that we hope won’t last too much longer, making personal and business decisions while not physically present is not only a temporary solution, but very much the way of the future. And this actually applies especially to business-savvy high-end buyers such as the one who recently purchased a luxurious Marbella property through us. Here’s what our sales manager Alla Morozova says about the process.

Is this the first time you have sold a property remotely, using virtual viewing tools?
Yes, it was my first remote sale, although it is fast becoming more and more common nowadays.

How did you find the process, was it smooth and easy?
Yes, in spite of the distance everything went smoothly and calmly, and the communication was fluid and efficient, not to mention pleasant. The client was already familiar with Marbella but had never visited the residential complex offered to him. With the help of modern tools, such as a mobile phone with a good camera and fast internet, as well as the support of the excellent weather in our area, I was able to show the apartment thoroughly. The law firm we work with was very good in creating a clear picture of all the required documentation, and together we ensured that it all went ahead fluently.

Does it differ much from conventional property transactions?
I would say that the difference between buying in the traditional way and buying from a distance is only really in the method of viewing the property. We have all the details pertaining to the properties we sell and only take on the ones that are worthy of our hard work and would make a good investment or home for our clients. The briefing process with the client is not that different from usual, and armed with the information he provides us we select homes in accordance with his taste, lifestyle and budget. I would say that showing a property online is probable even more convenient, because the client is 100 per cent focused on the information.

How did it come about?
When the client contacted us he was at his home in Sweden. He’d been looking for an apartment in Marbella for a long time, but he found the one that he really wanted on our website. He studied our website information carefully and researched comments about Nvoga, and then called us. We quickly arranged a live virtual viewing, provided detailed information about the property, and the same day he decided that it was the right Marbella home for him. The following day, after negotiations with the seller, we agreed on the price and conditions of the purchase, and a month later the title deed was signed.

Were they any special requests?
Yes, the buyer wanted to find an apartment with high rental potential and a comfortable layout in order to remodel it and add another bedroom. With this in mind, we have already prepared meetings with several construction companies for when he is here to visit.

And most importantly, was he happy?
Oh yes, first with our service and the speed at which things progressed, and then with the property itself. It was just as he had imagined it, and he was very pleased. The relationship has been very good from the beginning, and having researched Nvoga he trusted us 100 per cent and believed in our professionalism.

I was completely open with him, and gave him my feedback on the suitability and rental potential of this specific property, and although I felt an extra sense of responsibility as he couldn’t visit the home in person, we felt that he had made a good choice—and we got it right in one viewing, which is of course not typical. During the process, there were some minor complications that we overcame together, and by the time he finally flew in and we met in person we were already on friendly terms. It turned out to be a very soulful and positive experience for both of us!

So if you are thinking of buying a property in Marbella, please feel free to contact Alla or any member of the highly professional Nvoga sales team.